Towelroot is a simple tool created to root Android phones. Rooting with TowelRoot is as simple as downloading the app and clicking a button.
Unfortunately a problem of unsupported device has been reported. It doesn’t support all phones. This means that even though TowelRoot was created to root all Android phones, it don’t seems so. Once you have downloaded the tool, open it and tap “Make It Rain” a window will appear showing you a message “This phone isn’t supported”.
Good news is, the creator of Towelroot made some changes to the tool and also made a guide on how to fix "phone isn’t supported" problem. According to the developer it seems to be the modstrings problem. Modstrings are a way of modifying the exploit parameters for your phone.
To change modstrings, open the app and tap “Welcome To Toowelroot V3” three times. A new box below make it rain will open.
You have to type one of the following codes in the box.
- Code 1: 1337 0 1 0 4 0 (Standard code – works on most devices)
- Code 2: 1337 0 1 7380 4 0 (For Samsung Galaxy Device)
- Code 3: 1337 0 1 0 4 1 (Universal code – gives temporary Root Access)